Guests must park in the designated Guest Parking spaces regardless of the time of day or night.
Guest Permits are required between the hours of 1:00 AM and 7:00 AM.
Guest Permits are limited to 21 nights per calendar year per vehicle. Your vehicle information will be entered into a database and monitored for compliance with the 21 night rule.
Immediately upon arriving at the property go to the website.
Then go to Guest Permits.
You may choose one of two options.
Option #1 – select the electronic permit and enter all of the information requested. Your entries will be recorded and placed on an electronic Guest Permit log.
Option #2 – select the paper permit and print the Guest Permit form. After it is printed enter all of the information requested.
Paper Guest Permits are to be completely filled out and placed on the dashboard in front of the steering wheel so they can be read from outside the vehicle.
Electronic and paper Guest Permits must be completely filled out. Do not leave any blank spaces. Blank spaces may result in your vehicle being booted.
Guest Permits must be entered electronically or placed on the dashboard in front of the steering wheel before the vehicle is booted to be valid. Guest Parking permits will not be accepted after the vehicle has been booted.
Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy your stay.